Europa 60/30: 60 años de Unión Europea y 30 años de Erasmus

Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación, salón de actos. Octubre 2017

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Schedule Activity Room Talks
09:30 - 10:00 Opening ceremony: "EUROPE 60/30: 60 years of European Union and 30 years of Erasmus"

Manuel Alvaro Dueñas. Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.

Carmela Calés Bourdet. Vicerrector for Internationalization. UAM.

María Fernandez Aguero. Vicedean for International Relations of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.  
Salón de Actos. Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación. UAM.
10:00 - 11:00 TALK: "Europe, 60 years of an integrative project"

SpeakerRodrigo Ballester. Member of the European Commission.

Presented by: Javier Valle López. Associate professor of the department of Teaching and Theory of Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. UAM.
Salón de Actos. Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación
11:30 - 12:30 CONFERENCE: "The role of Education in the construction of a unified Europe"

Speaker: Javier Valle López. Associate professor of the department of Teaching and Theory of Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. UAM

Presented by: María Matarranz García. Professor of International Education at UPCo. Chief Editor of the Journal of Supranational Policies of Education.
Salón de Actos. Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación. UAM.
15:00 - 16:00 COLLOQUIUM: "El papel de Eurydice en la armonización educativa de Europa" 

Speaker: Violeta Miguel Pérez. Director of the national Centre for Innovation and Research in Education. 

Presented by: Jesús Manso Ayuso. Vicedean for Academic Affairs. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. UAM. 
Salón de Actos. Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación. UAM.


