Schedule | Activity | Room | Talks |
10:30 - 11:45 |
Presentation of the A4U and the A4U objective regarding EMI in Higher Education . Presentations of EMI initiatives from the universities of the A4U: - UAM: Amaya Mendikoetxea (Pro Vice Chancellor for International Relations)/Esmé Prentice (Head of the Language Service).
- UAB: Marta Estella (Head of the Language Service).
- UC3M: Patricia López Navarro (Head of the Undergraduate Office).
- UPF: Mireia Calm (Coordinator for Multilingualism Management).
Salón de Grados Ángel Rivière | |
12:15 - 13:15 |
EMI Global challenges, local solutions. By Ernesto Macaro (University of Oxford). English Medium Instruction (EMI) worldwide is developing so quickly that it is difficult for researchers in the field to keep track of what is going on and the challenges which it poses. In this talk I will first present briefly research carried out by our EMI Oxford Centre at the global level in order to try to get an overall picture of how EMI is developing and the challenges which it poses. I will also provide an overview of a large systematic review of research in EMI that we have carried out. I will argue that: a) there is insufficient comparative research available that can provide global indications of how to meet EMI’s challenges and b) that we need more research projects involving interventions into EMI. I will then give an in-depth account of a project involving collaboration between English Language Specialists and EMI teachers. Ernesto Macaro is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Oxford, Department of Education where he is Director of the Centre for Research and Development in English Medium Instruction. Ernesto teaches on the Masters in Applied Linguistics and on the Teacher Education Program. His research focuses on second language learning strategies and on the interaction between teachers and learners in second language classrooms or in classrooms where English is the Medium of Instruction |
Salón de Grados Ángel Rivière | |
15:00 - 17:00 |
Round Table: Presentation of experiences of Project coordinators from the A4U. Presentation of experiences of Project coordinators from the A4U. Salón de Grados Ángel Rivière. This roundtable is designed to present the experiences of the project coordinators from the Alianza 4U universities regarding the implementation of EMI in their programmes and also to present the perspectives of teacher trainers, teachers and students involved in the UAM's 'Plan DOing'.
Time will be devoted to extended discussion in the roundtable where questions and comments will be gathered from the audience, opening up the floor to ask the roundt able participants about specific issues, to share experiences and ultimately as an opportunity to glean practical advice.
The roundtable will be chaired by Ana Llinares - UAB: Cristina Escobar (Coordinadora del Grado de Maestro en Educación Primaria). -UAM: Juan Luis Pan (Coordinador del Proyecto de formación para los docentes de las asignaturas con grupos Bilingües del Grado de Estudios Internacionales). - UC3M: Daniel Segovia Vargas (Director de la Escuela Politécnica Superior).
Trainer, teacher and student perspectives: - Margarita Billón (lecturer at Faculty of Economics at UAM). - Matthew Banks (EMI trainer). - Paul Rollinson (EMI trainer). - Ignacio Luque (UAM student). |
Salón de Grados Ángel Rivière | |
17:00 - 17:30 |
‘Plan Doing’ UAM diploma award ceremony. Diploma award ceremony for the accredited lecturers from the first cohort of the ‘Plan Doing’ UAM. |
Salón de Grados Ángel Rivière |