Plataforma online de gestión integral de congresos universitarios, educativos y de investigación

Madrid, 1 to 5 of November 2016

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Plataforma online de gestión integral de congresos universitarios, educativos y de investigación
Madrid, 1 to 5 of November 2016


Integral online management platform for university, educational and research conferences


What is it?

CONGRESUAM is a integral online management platform for university, educational and research conferences that allows an easy and intuitive way to organize all kinds of events, with and without economic content such as congresses, conferences, workshops, workshops, etc. It can even be used to organice meetings without economic content.


What gives?


  • Create a website for any type of event.

  • Manage registrations, communications, payments and invoices.

  • Send Newsletters





  • Simplicity: in a few minutes you can create the website of any event without technical knowledge.

  • Functionality: ability to manage all aspects of an event (registration, sending communications, payments, invoicing …)

  • Price: minimum cost to be a platform already developed.

  • Attendance: personalized service and IT support to customer needs.


Who is it for?


To all spanish university community, scientific societies, research centers and educational, non-profit organizations and companies.


Last news

No news for the congress

