Future planned galaxy surveys can generally be divded into cosmology surveys where the galaxy is simply a test particle and galaxy evolution surveys where galaxy selection and completeness are critical. Here I will present the plans for the next generation galaxy survey to be conducted with ESOs 4MOST facility, commencing in 2021. Ths survey entitles WAVES (Wide Area VISTA extra-galactic survey) will be a ~2million galaxy survey, selected from VST KiDS, tailored to study the evolution of galaxies, galaxy groups, and large scale strcuture out to z~1. The survey very much follows on from the GAMA survey, and potentially will lay the ground which the MSE surveys will extend. I'll also argue strongly for the need for coordinated cross-facility campaigns and in particular the inclusion of HI radio data and no doubt show some science examples from GAMA highlighting what can be done with pan-facility studies.